The Fujisti buttons

Live is getting easy. there are gusty packages instead of compling on your own visit here and follow the instructions [WWW] You can also compile yourself or download there own installer

When installed do this in terminal

sudo nano /etc/modules

then add this:


Either reboot or do:

modprobe fsc_btns
sudo fscd

You see fsc_buttons in green letters and the buttons are working.

To get this automated by start up is something i haven't figured out.

SO far the laptop is working fine.


The repository contains precompiled fsc_btns modules for the latest ubuntu linux-kernels, the latest fscd daemon and the core xorg server. This server fixed the kde display rotation issue (kde:#112294, lp:#128529).

To get access to the repository, open a terminal and and run these commands:

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fjbtndrv.list
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Change keymap

You don't like the default keymap? Change it.

  • install the input-utils package or download the source from and build it yourself
  • find the event device with lsinput
  • fetch the current keymap with input-kbd <device number>
  • change the keymap (look at linux/input.h for the keycode)
  • load the new keymap with input-kbd -f <keymap file> <device number>

For example, change the FN key to left control:

  • $ grep CTRL /usr/include/linux/input.h
  • #define KEY_LEFTCTRL 29
  • #define KEY_RIGHTCTRL 97
  • $ sudo lsinput
  • /dev/input/event5

o bustype : BUS_HOST

        o vendor : 0x1734
        o product : 0x1
        o version : 257
        o name : "fsc tablet buttons"
        o phys : "fsc/input0"
        o bits ev : EV_SYN EV_KEY EV_MSC (null) EV_REP
  * ...
  • $ sudo input-kbd 5
  • 0×0004 = 178 # KEY_SCROLLDOWN
  • 0×0005 = 177 # KEY_SCROLLUP
  • 0×0006 = 153 # KEY_DIRECTION
  • 0×0007 = 464 # ???
  • $ echo “0×0007 = 29” | sudo input-kbd -f - 5
  • /dev/input/event5
  • map: 16 keys, size: 16/64
  • set: 0×0007 = 29 # KEY_LEFTCTRL

Note: With release 1.0 it is possible to enable handling of FN and ALT in the kernel module (default). In this case, every key has 4 keycodes (no mod, with fn, with alt, lp mod) and the keymap grows to 64 entries (0×0000 to 0x003f with 0×0000-0×0004 for key 0, 0×0005-0×0008 for key 1, …, 0x003c-0x003f for key 15).

Runtime Configuration

Press [ALT] and then [FN] to enable Config mode. Now press one of the following buttons.

[UP] [DOWN] toggle scroll mode
[ROTATE] lock / unlock rotation (don't rotate the display when switched to tablet mode)

Press [FN] and then [ALT] to enable Panel mode. Now press one of the following buttons.

[UP] [DOWN] adjust brightness
[ROTATE] switch panel off (dpms)


If your desktop compatible to the Autostart Specification by the project, simply create a fscd.desktop file with following content in an autostart dir (for example $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart or ~/.config/autostart for current users).

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=FSC tablet button helper

with release 0.50, an fscd.desktop will be created automatically (in system-wide autostart)

buttons.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/30 12:12 (external edit)
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