**HDD - Load Cycle (possible best way is installing with Sata operations set to AHCI)** It seems that I completely forgot to publish my fix/workaroud. As far as I remember I did two things: 1) I added the following lines to my hdparm.conf: /dev/sda { apm = 193 } 2) I created a file /etc/acpi/resume.d/99-stop-hitachi-madness.sh with the following contents: #!/bin/sh hdparm -B 193 /dev/sda I hope this helps. HOW TO INSTAL D630 http://forum.kubuntu-de.org/index.php?topic=9226 http://www.control.aau.dk/~jdn/linux/d630/index.php?id=startside http://onemansjourneyintolinux.blogspot.com/search?q=d630 **Sound solution:** I've gotten the sound to work on my D630, F7 and 2.22 stable kernel. what I did: 1. get an updated driver from GATech, wget http://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/suse/projects/alsa/snapshot/driver/ 2. extract 3. configure with, ./configure --with-cards-hda-intel 4. make 5. make install 6. reboot AKO BLOKOVAT PADANIE WLAN IWL4965 File: /etc/modprobe.d/iwl4965 options iwl4965 disable_hw_scan=1 Ked mplayer nechce otvorit .avi subor a pise "failed to open file:///" Open /usr/share/applications/mplayer.desktop in a text editor as root change "Exec=gmplayer %U" to "Exec=gmplayer %F"